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Alternating Leg Raise



Muscle Groups

Abs, Core, Hip Flexors

Muscle Groups

AbsCoreHip Flexors

Abs, Core, Hip Flexors



The alternating leg raise exercise is a highly effective move that targets the lower abdominal muscles while also engaging the hip flexors and improving core stability. At TGrip Fitness, we prioritize exercises that deliver maximum results, and the alternating leg raise is perfect for those looking to strengthen their abs and enhance overall core strength. This exercise helps to tone and define your midsection while also improving flexibility and coordination in your lower body. By incorporating the alternating leg raise into your workout routine with TGrip Fitness, you can build a stronger core, reduce the risk of lower back pain, and achieve a more sculpted physique. Start your journey to a fitter, stronger you with TGrip Fitness today!


Works with:

TGrip MAXX Bar

$99 $74

TGrip Hang-On Suspension Kit

$179 $149

Original TGrip Bar

$299 $199

TGrip Pulling Strong Band Kit

$349 $279

TGrip Suspend Disbelief - Original TGrip Bar & Suspension Kit

$499 $374

TGrip MAXX Kit

$499 $399

TGrip MAXX Effort Kit - MAXX, Band Kit, Suspension Kit

$629 $499

TGrip Ergonomic Pull Kit - Original TGrip Bar & Band Kit

$649 $499

TGrip MAXX Power Kit

$899 $759