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Bent Over Row – Wide Overhand Grip with Original TGrip Bar



Muscle Groups

Biceps, Rear Deltoid, Rhomboids, Trapezius

Muscle Groups


Biceps, Rear Deltoid, Rhomboids, Trapezius


Wide Overhand Grip


The Bent Over Row using the Wide Overhand Grip with the TGrip Original Bar is a powerful move for targeting and strengthening the back muscles. This effective exercise enhances upper body strength and improves posture by engaging the lats, rhomboids, and traps. The TGrip Original Bar provides a comfortable, ergonomic grip, allowing for optimal control and proper form during movement. Incorporate Bent Over Rows into your fitness routine to boost back strength, muscle definition, and overall upper body endurance.


Wide Overhand Grip

Works with:

TGrip MAXX Bar

$99 $74

TGrip Hang-On Suspension Kit

$179 $149

Original TGrip Bar

$299 $199

TGrip Pulling Strong Band Kit

$349 $279

TGrip Suspend Disbelief - Original TGrip Bar & Suspension Kit

$499 $374

TGrip MAXX Kit

$499 $399

TGrip MAXX Effort Kit - MAXX, Band Kit, Suspension Kit

$629 $499

TGrip Ergonomic Pull Kit - Original TGrip Bar & Band Kit

$649 $499

TGrip MAXX Power Kit

$899 $759