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Cross Crunch Exercisee



Muscle Groups

Abs, Core, Obliques

Muscle Groups


Abs, Core, Obliques



The cross crunch exercise is an effective core workout that targets both the upper and lower abdominal muscles while also engaging the obliques for a full abdominal burn. At TGrip Fitness, we emphasize the importance of comprehensive core training, and the cross crunch is a staple in our routines. This dynamic exercise not only helps to sculpt and tone your midsection but also enhances your overall core strength and stability, which are crucial for athletic performance and daily activities. Incorporate the cross crunch into your workout regimen with TGrip Fitness and experience the benefits of a stronger, more defined core. Start today with TGrip Fitness to take your core training to the next level!


Works with:

TGrip MAXX Bar

$99 $74

TGrip Hang-On Suspension Kit

$179 $149

Original TGrip Bar

$299 $199

TGrip Pulling Strong Band Kit

$349 $279

TGrip Suspend Disbelief - Original TGrip Bar & Suspension Kit

$499 $374

TGrip MAXX Kit

$499 $399

TGrip MAXX Effort Kit - MAXX, Band Kit, Suspension Kit

$629 $499

TGrip Ergonomic Pull Kit - Original TGrip Bar & Band Kit

$649 $499

TGrip MAXX Power Kit

$899 $759