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Original TGrip Bar

Beginner Full Body Workouts

Progression – These TGrip workouts are meant to be done circuit style, moving from one exercise to the next. Start with light weight and focus on proper exercise technique.

  • Begin with the Morning Warm-Up or Workout Warm-Up.
  • Start with One Circuit of each exercise
  • Work up to 3 circuits of each exercise
  • Finish with the Workout Cool-Down

Workout 1

Workout 2

10 Reps Each Leg

10 Reps

Center Grip

10 Reps

Hammer Grip

10 Reps

Traditional Grip

10 Reps

Traditional Grip

Hold for 30-60 Seconds

10-20 reps

Workout 3

10 Reps

Wide Overhand Grip

10 Reps

Wide Overhand Grip

10 Reps Each Leg

10 Reps

Wide Overhand Grip

10 Reps

Hammer Grip

10 Reps

Hammer Grip

10 reps

Hammer Grip

10-20 reps